Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How to hack Instagram password in termux

Step 1:- Download Termux from playstore

Step 2: Open termux and type this.

First install all the required modules


  $   pip install argparse requests PySocks asyncio proxybroker

 $ pip install beautifulsoup4

 $ pkg install git
 $ pkg install python

 $ pkg install python2

Step 3: Install this tool

$    git clone       

STEP 4:-

  $  cd Instahack

  $ ls

  $ chmod +x 

  $ ls

STEP 4 : Run the script


//Example: "python username passwords.txt"

NOTE:- if you don't know what is password list and how to create passwordlist then check given below link.

  When password found this process will stop automatically.
NOTE: This process take time depend upon your password list.


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